Hairpin Bends in Palani to Kodaikanal Route
When you travel to Kodaikanal via Palani, you can see many hairpin bends. Driving in hairpin bends is a bit difficult compared to driving on a normal road. The Palani to Kodaikanal route has several hairpin bends. We will share how many hairpin bends are in the Palani to Kodaikanal route. There are 14 hairpin bends in the Palani to Kodaikanal route.

When you travel to Kodaikanal via Palani, you must have good driving skills. So, before travelling to Kodaikanal, learn how to drive a car or bike in hairpin bends. All the 14 hair bends are between Palani Adivaram and Melpallam. After Melpallam there are no hairpin bends. Once you cross the Silver Cascade Falls, you can see another hairpin bend near Shenbaganur Museum, Kodaikanal.
Must Read: Palani to Kodaikanal Bus timings
Must Read: Palani to Kodaikanal Tour Package
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